Below are images connected to my podcast The Countess & Her Cats. Listen here:
This first picture shows Pembroke Square, where the "Countess" fell foul of her neighbours and the local authorities by keeping a noisy and smelly menagerie.

Newspaper cutting from The Cornishman, 19 July 1883, about the Countess's appearance at Hammersmith Police Court.

The Countess's grandfather, Charles Buller, MP.

Illustration from W M Thackeray's novel Vanity Fair, showing Becky Sharp an her admirer, Joseph Sedley. Thackeray allegedly modelled his amoral adventuress on the Countess della Torre, whom he knew in her youth.

Frankenstein author Mary Shelley, who was blackmailed by the Countess's lover, Count Gatteschi.

Giuseppe Garibaldi, one of modern Italy's founding fathers, who allegedly sent the Countess to Rome on daring spying missions.

The Packhorse Inn, Gerrards Cross, where the Countess lived in the 1880s. Her menagerie of cats, dogs and goats were kept in a nearby field.

Article about the Countess della Torre's murder from the San Francisco Examiner, 24 July 1904.
